Category Archives: PADA Picks

Hello, World!

Welcome to the PADA Blog!

We of the Portland Art Dealers Association deeply value our commitment to arts ambassadorship, and would like to use this blog as a means to brighten the corners of our particular art world. Over the next weeks and months, we will populate the PADA Blog with content that covers a wide range of topics relevant to gallery-goers, educators, artists, and buyers, answering every question you ever wanted (or never knew you wanted) to ask. In addition, we will go into each PADA gallery and showcase firsthand how PADA has something for everyone- how each member has a unique dimension in this cultural constellation.

We would also love to use this blog as a platform for dialogue within our community, both in Oregon and at large. We want to know what you want to know, so if you have any questions about the artwork in our galleries or the galleries themselves, don’t hesitate  to let us know!

Art is the tremendous gift that is, amazingly, available to all of us. In the end, we hope the PADA Blog will inspire the city of Portland and beyond to embrace that gift to its fullest extent. We cordially invite you to join us in this pursuit.


Filed under PADA Galleries, PADA Picks, Resources for Artists, Resources for Buyers, Resources for Educators